I started my studies in psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno (CZ). After two years, I had the opportunity to continue my studies in psychology in Spain at the University of La Laguna (ULL), where I finished my studies in an art therapy project aimed at people with schizophrenia. Later I attended three-year psychotherapy training in Gestalt therapy at the Aula Balear Gestalt Institute (ABG).

2005 – 2007 – psychology studies at MU in the Czech Republic

2007 – 2011 – psychology studies at ULL in Spain

2016 – 2019 – psychotherapeutic training in Gestalt therapy in Spain (ABG)


I came across yoga thanks to dance. Soon I discovered its beneficial effects on my body and mood, and began to focus on it intensively. That is why I went to Nepal and attended a yoga instructor training at the yogi ashram Ananda Yoga Center. I understand that yoga is not just a physical exercise but a complex way of living.

2015 – Yoga instructor training in Nepal (200 HRTI, Ananda Yoga Center)

2015 – 2019 – Instructor of group and private lessons in Spain and the Czech Republic


Dance has always been a part of my life. When I first tried African dances, it was love at first sight, listening and especially dancing experience. Between 2009 and 20018 I undertook several internships right at source in Africa (Guinea Conakry), as well as in countries affected by African culture (Cuba, Brazil).

2009 – one month internship in Cuba (Rumba, Yoruba, Rumberos de Cuba)

2012 – three-month internship in Guinea Conakry (Soleil d’Afrique group)

2017 – one month internship in Guinea Conakry ( dancer Youssouf Koumbass´ school)

2018 – one month internship in Brazil (FUNCEB Salvador de Bahia + Camp Africa Raices)

                                                            TANEČNÍ TERAPIE

I used to practice contemporary dance as well. Both styles allowed me to understand their therapeutic effects. I developed these effects further in collaboration with the project Psicoarte, which is a dance ensemble for people with Down syndrome. Also, I led dancing lessons in an alcohol and drug rehab center as a volunteer.

2009 – 2011 – project Psicoarte lecturer, Tenerife

2010 – 2011 – lecturer at an alcohol and drug rehab center (Asociación de Cooperacion Juvenil San Miguel, La Laguna)