When you say yoga, it triggers different reactions in people. Some imagine a bearded meditator, others the most breakneck postures, some even think yoga exercises are too easy. After all, we are lying on the ground all the time, etc. All of it is true. In yoga you will find easier but also more demanding physical exercises, breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation, singing. Everyone can find their own benefit from it, the one that brings you joy and fulfillment.
Yoga comes from the word Yho, which means connection, unification, balance. It is a thousand-year-old complex discipline that includes both physical exercise for our body and breathing and soothing practices for our mind and consciousness. Regular exercise creates harmony between the two. The body is strengthened, stretched, relaxed, yoga also purifies thanks to the breathing exercises. The mind is slowed down and soothed from the excessive thinking, furthermore yoga evokes a balanced emotional and psychic state of mind.
Attending teacher training at the yoga center in Nepal was a very valuable experience for me. It allowed me to look at the fundamental differences in lifestyle, context and thus the grasp and practice of yoga between the Western and Eastern worlds. Some techniques may be incomprehensible or seem too extreme to our mentality. I personally follow one of the principles of yoga, and that is “nonviolence”. Therefore, I do not impose its spiritual values on anyone, nor am I of the opinion that only strict adherence to all practices is the “true yoga”. I believe in yoga’s great healing benefits in any form and I leave it to everyone to choose where, in what way and how deeply they want to immerse.
“Yoga has a complete message for humanity. It has a message for the human body. It has a message for the human mind, and it also has a message for the human soul.” Swami Kuwalayananda”
Group lessons are at the moment due to the governement restrictions canceled.
Private lessons are suitable for individuals and small groups. For those who seek a trainer’s individual approach or want to exercise in the comfort of their home. The lesson is especially tailored for you. I focus on your needs, adjust the pace and exercises to your possibilities, wishes or limitations so that you are satisfied. The lesson takes place in my studio (max. 3 participants), eventually I come to your home.
Recently, there is an increase in employers taking care of the physical and mental health of their employees. Long hours in front of the computer cause back, head and neck pain, and that is when yoga is very beneficial. Stretching, strengthening posture, relaxing and recharging new energies brings all sorts of benefits to employees and management. It improves physical and mental well-being, reduces stress, improves memory and concentration, improves output and relationships in the workplace. It is possible to practice directly in your company premises. If you do not have an adequate space, then you can book a regular lesson only for your employees. The standard length is 60 min., it is practiced during the working day, in the morning or at lunchtime, or after lunch.
Group lesson 75 min (Tuesday)
Whole term 20 lessons 2800,- CZK
Card for 5 lessons 750,- CZK
Open class 170,- CZK
Group lesson 60 min (Friday)
Whole term 20 (lessons) 2600,-CZK
Card for 5 lessons 700,- CZK
Open class 150,- CZK
Private lesson 60 min 30,- €
Corporate lesson 60 min 50,- €